Name: eg Version: 0.85 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A wrapper for git Group: Development/Tools License: GPLv2 URL:{name}/ Source0:{name}/download/%{version}/%{name} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildArch: noarch Requires: git >= 1.5.4 Requires: perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version)) %description Easy Git (eg) is a wrapper for Git, designed to make Git easy to learn and use eg focuses on documentation and examples Most of the work in eg is plugging a gap in git documentation: providing simple tutorial-oriented command-specific built-in help. eg's documentation is example driven eg makes git easy to learn and use * easily learnable - I claim you can learn git faster by first using eg than by starting with git directly * interchangeable - You can switch between using eg and using git as often as you'd like. I do it all the same on the same repositories. * fully capable - Unlike other wrappers for git, eg does not remove or limit any capabilities of git in order to simplify it; it just tries to layer concepts and present the capabilities in a more orderly fashion. * compatible - eg is essentially command-line backwards compatible to git; those familiar with git can start using eg by simply replacing "git" with "eg" in their commands. %prep %setup -T -c cat << \EOF > %{name}-req #!/bin/sh %{__perl_requires} $* |\ sed -e '/perl(an)/d'\ -e '/perl(one)/d'\ -e '/perl(the)/d' EOF %define __perl_requires %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-req chmod +x %{__perl_requires} cp $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/%{name} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{version} %build %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} install -p eg $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/eg %changelog * Sat Aug 9 2008 Adam Huffman - 0.85-1 - Initial version